Friday, July 6, 2012

What is it about bearded revolutionary war soldiers that appeals to you?


I was out running errands on the third of July, and saw a flashing red sign at the town visitors center that said "ANVIL SHOOT & CELEBRATION". I'm always amused and confused by the things people put on their signs here. This was no exception. I promptly text my TN native sensei Todd, to have him decode the sign for me. He sent back the link to the Museum of Appalachia's Fourth of July Celebration. Instantly, I knew I had to attend.
There have been several times when I've had out of town visitors and we were going to check out the museum, but we never made it there. This was my chance to go, by myself and have a little fun. I underestimated the amount of fun one can have while exploring things like Mark Twain's Cabin, and One Room Schools. The museum is amazing. There are peacock's, chickens, and turkeys roaming around. There are demonstrations of every craft possible and you're instantly transported back in time. You could spend all day there and not see everything. I'm definitely going to have to visit it again.

As I was roaming around, the soldiers decided to post up on a log and I knew I needed a photo with them. I kindly asked and they were all too excited about it. I was told I would have to sit between them which made me very happy. A stranger snapped two photos and then the gentleman started a conversation with me. I learned why Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his hat and called it macaroni. I learned the meaning behind the saying "piss poor", and "don't have a pot to piss in". These bearded treasures are full of knowledge and I love that they go to schools in their costumes and teach children like myself about the revolution. I find it important to keep history alive.
So as I was chatting with them, some man with a microphone, stuck it in my face and started asking me questions. It was the most hilarious unexpected interview I have ever done. He didn't ask my permission and I had no clue who he was, but he seemed familiar to me. I didn't think much of it until later that evening, Uncle Bob and Bev were flipping thru the news channels and I saw a teaser for the feature. So, I was on the news. It was hilarious. Such a fun random day and great celebration for the Fourth of July all because I saw a sign and asked a question!
Click here for the video

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