Somewhere over Jersey....
When planning a trip, it is rare I actually make plans. I'm know for getting on a plane at a moments notice and just figuring out how to have the best time possible. My best friends are all in on this with me. It's the secret to having adventures that no one can recreate or imagine. We just go.
Planning things always manages to disappoint some party involved and with my knowledge of this, I have goals when I'm on a trip which are always attainable, and then the fun stuff happens. It's the difference between being a traveler and a tourist. I'm lucky because I have friends or knowledge of the cities I visit and I never have expectations, so I am therefor never disappointed with my travels. What one can plan in their head is not ever as good as just letting things happen.
Case and point; Katie & I made a dinner for friends that normally wouldn't interact. Two Beer Butt Chickens, late at night, sautéd asparagus, mashed potatoes, fresh baked rolls, and the wonderful boozy cake. Somehow after football and then happy hour we managed to plan a dinner and brunch, along with accesssing our resources for ingredients and necessary beverages to accompany our feasts. All the while, laughing, enjoying our company, and winning LCR (quite possibly the best game ever, google it).
Katie's brother Matty and I set out to handle dinner and drinks while Katie and her gentleman caller James' mission was brunch. The four of us are unstoppable. At two different stores we came home with the necessities for two epic meals for friends, and then somehow Katie and I both bought chocolate chips. It figures that this happened as my mother and I similarly both go to the store at the same time without discussing things and there is at least one rogue ingredient that we both bring home unplanned. A testament to the people I connect with in my life.
My darling Raelyn, had never so much as touched a whole raw chicken before this night. By the end she was mashing potatoes and learned enough to entertain guests in her own home. We had everyone involved with dinner and it was awesome.
You don't need a lot of money to entertain and feed your friends. All you need is love. In the past we have all been out to dinner together but I'm pretty sure this was a memorable experience for everyone involved. Cooking with friends rules! Start to finish this took a couple of hours but the memories last a lifetime. Everyone enjoyed the food and the evening together. I really have the best friends in the world even if I don't see them often. An evening in Jersey sharing good food makes for good memories.
Glad I joined the club of hopping on planes without any plans or notice!