Saturday, January 11, 2014

First Time Mom Stuff

Everything is so much cuter in little sizes. It's easy to become "that mom" who wants to make everything for their child. I intend on growing and making my own baby food when we get to that point, but as I enter my third trimester of pregnancy I have resorted to nesting. I've been busy cleaning the house room by room, knitting a baby blanket, and now sewing some little dresses before I start the nursery bedding project that will consume all of my free time.

Again I find myself saying how quickly life changes, and how grateful I am to have had my grandma teach me some basic things I can put to good use as I add some personal touches to my new life.

1 comment:

  1. Wow That is so cute I wish I could do something like that. It all looks so amazing. You should post some more on your free time, I love reading your blog it is so fascinating. I cant wait to see more picture and to read the captions.

    Anna Reed- 15
