Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Garden

There is something so magical about nature. It's incredible how quickly things can change and grow. I think plants are beautiful because you can see their growth. People change and grow but most of the time you will never know. With plants it's obvious when something begins to flower and then fruit. With people it takes a long time to notice growth but I see it more often now, especially in myself.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Celebrations! Happy Memorial Weekend

In my family, we fly an American flag in the front of our home every day. We celebrate the ability to live in such a beautiful country. At one time my family were immigrants to a land of opportunity and hope. Through many generations we have had many many men serve in the military and whom made an impact on this country. Abraham Lincoln is my seventh cousin. My maternal grandfather was shot in the head at Iwo Jima. My father was in the Army briefly and now after his passing I have another flag folded to remember his service to our country. My brother in law served in Iraq. My mother and nephew were both born at military hospitals.

If you don't know what it is like to have someone in your life deployed, you are lucky. I however am luckier because I have people in my life that are so brave and sacrifice so much so I can sit on my porch and listen to my girlfriends gossip about how there's too much traffic and how Starbucks forgot their extra shot of espresso in their $5 latte. Our service men and women will see more in one day overseas than we will see in a lifetime. They don't complain. They don't fuss about our ignorance of what is going on outside of the little bubbles we live in. They care more, love deeper, live everyday, and still manage to do their jobs sometimes without thanks. So today and everyday that you see a member of any of our armed forces, I ask that you thank them. It's a simple thing to do, to smile and say thank you. You might hear a story if they are willing to share. It could change your day or maybe theirs. I currently live in an area that has a lot of pride for our country and military. It's nice to see the support and love for the many people whom I may never know but they make an impact every day on my life.

Cheers on this Memorial weekend to the brave and beautiful souls that currently serve, the ones who have served, and those who gave all.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What you need

Of all the cliches in life, (of which many I adore) I know the meaning of so many now. It's why I smile, it's why I love life.
My silly life, the life my parents have lived, the loves we've had, our friends, the adventures, it all makes the what should be tough times so beautiful.
I'm the lucky one. So I smile in the morning and cry in the afternoon but lay my head to rest knowing what it feels to be blessed.
I'm challenged daily and most times without an outlet but when it all comes down, it's pretty. Life, love, beauty, it's all about what you give back not how you take it in.
I'm ready to continue in my lessons but my heart will always have a piece of what's left behind.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Is it just me or did everyone's grandparents have hanging macramé planters in their home while we were growing up?
It's a fairly dead form of craft. From what I've been told it was old ladies and hippies that were the ones who made it popular. It has since gone long out of style. I however, still find it interesting. I think the simplicity of tying knots into something useful and pretty is quite fun.

Lost art or not, I'm a big fan. I sent my best friend a little hanging planter for her birthday, and one to my mother for Mother's day. They were elated. Now I know that two more plants will be given life in a functional piece of art.
I'm a huge fan of the hanging fishbowl. Not only is it pretty, it serves as home to a life that would otherwise be sitting on a counter top. Suspended, I'm convinced that living things receive more sunlight and attention which is good for everyone.

Eventually, I will have some planters for sale in my Etsy store but for now, you can email me if you are interested in having a hanging piece of knotted art in your own home.

Grow your own food

I live in a place where if you plant it, it will grow. It's incredible to watch the transformation of my garden day to day. In my previous life I was a black thumb plant killer. It wasn't cute or funny. My mom would come visit and take my plants away to rescue them. It wasn't for lack of me trying to take care of them. I just couldn't keep them alive.

These days I'm able to drop some seeds in the ground and next thing I know, I've got all the fixings for a garden fresh salad. It's crazy and rewarding to be able to walk down into my yard and bring up lunch or dinner.

It's so important to know how to use the earth properly. Knowing how to grow your own food and being able to feed your family without preservatives and chemicals is something that needs to be shared. If you have never planted anything or even if you have a limited space, it is possible. Get a topsy turvy planter and grow some tomatoes or strawberries. Even a tiny garden can make an impact on the way you view food and life.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Remember the episode of the Soprano's where Tony sees ducks swimming in his pool? I have always considered myself a bit quirky. The day before Easter this year I decided it would be a great idea to get myself a pet duck. According to the gentleman at the Farmer's Co-Op the lil ones need a friend so I ended up with two. Stanford and Rosie, I called them. They sat on my lap while I watched TV. I would take them for walks around the yard. They would follow me everywhere. So cute and so much fun.

Then a few weeks later I realized I made a mistake. Stanford was in fact a female, not a male as I had hoped. Stanford became Ford and Rosie was her shy sister. They grew up so fast. Week after week they became less social with me. They enjoy swimming in their lil pond rather than following me around. Rosie won't let me near her anymore. Ford however has remained social and knows where his Cheerios come from.

I now have two full grown Mallard ducks who are just about ready to fly away. My sweet baby birds grew up so quickly. I just hope they don't end up on someone's plate someday.